? Authentic INDIVIDUAL MUSIC LESSONS --Clinician / Editor / Transcriber COLGAN BRYAN in Los Angeles, California For Sale
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.
If you are curious as to why my advice might be worth taking, try to google my name and keywords: "colgan bryan guitar bass" before you even check out my website http://colganmusic.com/ My brief resume: http://colganmusic.com/instructor_bio.html Testimonials: http://colganmusic.com/testimonials1.html Tips for shopping for lessons and dealing with burn out etc: http://colganmusic.com/tips.html
While I am still welcoming new clients to my studio in Davie. I also provide training nationwide and Canada online with HD quality.
Before I list some of the more obvious benefits of the convenience of online lessons I should warn you that too many services, facilities and teachers try to sell convenience as a SNEAKY REPLACEMENT FOR QUALITY and when you see that happening, it should be a red flag to seriously question the true value of what they are offering you.
It does NOT benefit you in any way to just go to the nearest facility or have lessons delivered to you if you do not have an EXPERIENCED instructor who knows how to adapt to YOUR needs. The best instructors usually work from their own studios and they are not likely to be found in those "convenient" locations or through brokers or salesmen who just try to sell you on their cheap kids so they can keep most of YOUR money.
The reason that most people are disappointed with music lessons is because they were not able to talk to their instructor BEFORE signing up. This happens when you just shop at a "convenient" sales-driven, assembly-line facilities or referral "services"who have to cover up the fact that they do not have real instructors with real skills an experience so will try to pressure you into locking in with them NOW BEFORE you talk to "their instructors" who might or might not be there next month.
These salesmen will try to distract you with sales gimmicks until you forget why YOU are there in the first place and then they have you. Some of the tactics include fake guarantees or fake "certifications" or fake "trial periods" that lead to a requirement to purchase and expensive instrument if you want to continue their "program" or you will have to start over somewhere else. Of course you will find out soon that they will have no problem making YOU start over with another teacher who has probably never taught before and expect YOU to keep paying the same price and if YOU liked the previous teacher YOU will not be allowed to study with them elsewhere.
The BEST way to protect yourself is to give yourself AT LEAST A WEEK of checking out your options and immediately write off ANYONE who tries to pressure you to lock you into training with a facility, "service" or teacher RIGHT NOW as if you are going to miss your chance. Make your decision according to what your discussions with YOUR instructor and what a salesman will promise you but make sure your discussions are AWAY from the facility or "service" that is telling you to "trust them because they are the experts at what YOU want NOT YOU"
I have a lot more about this topic on my site but as for why you should want to study from me:
You can have HIGHEST QUALITY INDIVIDUAL TRAINING from my studio in Davie, Florida (in case you are ever in my area) or HD ONLINE at SKYPE- Send a request DIRECTLY to m at ColganMusic (one word) to see the HD clarity and discuss your needs with YOUR teacher, not a salesman who just wants to fill up a bunch or 5X5 rooms with just a couple of "bodies" as one store owner says to express how little he cares how a good a teacher really is at his place.
You no longer have to fight traffic to fit into the cramped rooms of a noisy facility nor are you restricted by store hours with lessons available past midnight if you have crazy hours. You no longer have to settle for a teacher assigned to you by a salesman who just says what you want to hear so he can have more bodies renting their closet-sized rooms.
Parents no longer have to wander around waiting because you cannot fit in the lesson so that salesman can hit on you while you're bored to sell sell sell you things you do not need. Salesman will always seem to find some other excuse to manipulate you to make you feel like cannot really learn how to play unless you spend even more and more money.
No longer do you have to settle for "up-sell instructors" who are really just salesmen for the facility, paid omissions to "certify" products, events and paraphernalia as "necessary for your musical education." They are basically "certified" NOT to operate in YOUR best interest but to the facilities instead.
If you are afraid to shop around and research a great instructor then you will really hate swimming through all of the hype for all of the different CDROM/DVD/CD/books and apps that are available today. I can tell you which ones are useful and relevant to YOUR goals or if they are just the same method with a different face. You won't have to sort through the 20 or 30 tabs of the same song that all say their way is better.
You will find that the most important "convenience" is having an instructor with a background, history, resources that provides quality that can ONLY be developed by 35 years of looking my clients in the eye while I help them set up a strategy that will bring the from THEIR point A to THEIR point B. Quality is best convenience because now you no longer have to swim through the avalanche and overkill of products to find out what YOU REALLY NEED to reach your goals.
This level of training is difficult to find even nationwide, especially since I have spent over 20 years in music publishing as transcriber, editor and arranger working AUTHENTIC transcriptions and instructional products that had to be approved by the recording artist. You will be getting the quality accuracy and insights to your favorite songs that you will NEVER find online or even in print so you will no longer have to try to figure out which of the 20 or 30 transcriptions you find online are correct.
Since this is NOT mass production, I will only be able to accept so many clients but past and existing clients will ALWAYS have priority when scheduling future lessons so if you have just a couple of hours of lessons with me and then call me months late YOU will have priority.
If you really care about finding QUALITY that is likely to be impossible to find locally, call me direct at the number on my site. I look forward to hearing from you even if it's just to talk about my favorite subjects; music music music and music
Music instruments in California for sale
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