Scandalli Super VI Piano Accordion in Los Angeles, California For Sale
Scandalli Super VI Piano Accordion
Price: $xxxx
A Vintage Scandalli Super VI Piano Accordion is one of the best Accordions made.
Therefore if you're interested in this superior make of piano accordion, then you
must also be aware that a : ' Vintage Scandalli Super VI ' : Piano Accordion is a
top of the range of the : ' Scandalli ' : Piano Accordions ever made. As no other
Scandalli Piano Accordion even compares to a : ' Vintage Scandalli Super VI ' !
which has Double/ Dual Tone Chamber, also known as (Double Cassotto) with :
41 Treble Keys, 4 sets of Treble Reeds, 11 Treble Couplers, 1 Palm Master, 5 sets of
Bass Reeds, 6 Bass Couplers & 120 Bass Buttons & was originally: Made in Italy,
&: when made, was also originally made with : ' Genuine Handmade Reeds ' !
Producing a powerful sound heard, from a well known brand & make of accordion.
Is seen to be in : 'GOOD CONDITION' !
Will come supplied with a set of shoulder straps & a hard case.
Music instruments in California for sale
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